Hello and wellcome!!
My name is Jörg Rüblinger an this is my new Photography-Portfolio Website, launched on July 2024. I love being out in "nature" and really enjoy taking pictures. For a long time, I didn't aspire to take pictures to please others. Since 2024, however, I have been a little more committed to expanding my knowledge of photography and, above all, to mastering image processing better. I'm trying to get more practical experience and sharpen my eye to take 'better' pictures in the future. But I'm not yet sure how to define 'better'! Unfortunately, for physical reasons, I can't lug heavy camera equipment around for a long time, but I do my best and only take the bare minimum with me on my photo walks. I prefer not to use a tripod and probably won't be doing any hide photography or lying in a ditch somewhere with camouflage. I think I'll be doing a kind of 'walking and stalking photography', photographing whatever comes across my way. I'm very curious to see if I can take more sophisticated photos over time. By the way ... there's a slide show with older pictures at the top and, yes, I have another website: Hesslingers-Reise.de
Jörg Rüblinger
My current photographic equipment
My favorite photographers - unsorted